The EDUCACHESS project will contribute to strengthening the cooperation between the education field and the chess field in order to receive mutual benefits.
With the incorporation of chess in the world of education, five of the eight multiple intelligences will be strengthened, in order to improve academic performance and the pupils’ education as a whole.
Marketing chess in all schools worldwide will cause the number of practitioners to grow and, as a consequence, chess will gain more media coverage and become more popular as a sport.
The availability of free, multilingual and adequate learning material will be necessary, so that chess may be taught even wihout any previous knowledge of the game.
To this end, the ‘Play and learn’ learning material is being developed for primary school children (6 – 12 years old), the contents of which don’t just teach how to play chess.
If the teaching staff can verify the effectiveness of the project in improving academic results and of the pupils’ overall education, then the implication of chess during school hours may be obtained and therefore, free of any added economic cost for public administrations.
Social field
One of the objectives of the project is to encourage mental gymnastics among the population, especially among the aged.
To this end, a multimedia programme called ‘Ment activa’ or ‘Active mind’ is being developed as learning material, to aid in chess courses and memory workshops that are available in community centres.
Another objective is to encourage support in order to obtain donations from various fundraising initiatives of the Educachess project.
Sports field
To contribute to the chess enthusiasts’ training, ‘Chess for everybody’ is being developed as learning material.
This way, chess as an extracurricular activity will be promoted much more effectively. At the same time, the task of teaching chess in schools and chess clubs will be made easier.
Chess field
From this increase in popularity and recognition of the game of chess within the education and social fields, it will be possible to obtain other objectives, such as the following:
1. The declaration of chess as Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
2. The creation of a Virtual Museum of chess and WikiChess.
3. The creation of the UNESCO professorship of chess.
UNESCO professorship scheme |