Learning material
Chess for everybody
Currently available are the 6 books in the collection.
Also, the contents of the 1st course in the collection will be introduced as interactive multimedia.
Play and learn
Currently available are the 6 books in the collection.
All the learning material from the “Learn” block (it teaches the game of chess) and “Think” (power cognitive abilities) will be introduced.
The contents from the “Feel” and “Apply” blocks will will be introduced (528 dossiers and its corresponding multimedia).
Active mind
The rest of the foreseen interactive multimedia contents will be introduced during the next years.
Currently, some of the learning material has already been translated in the 7 languages in use today in Spain. (Aragonese, Asturian, Basque, Catalan, Galician, Occitan and Spanish). The learning material will also be translated into Aragonese as soon as possible.
To begin with, the learning material will be available in the official UNESCO languages and in the European majority languages. Efforts will be made to translate the learning material into all of the 24 European Union languages.
Some of the learning material is already available in Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, English, Esperanto, French, Georgian, German, Italian, Macedonian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian,…
The software to ease the online translation process of the contents and layout will be finished.
This way, the translations from one language into another will be made easier, even if it is a minority language.
Teaming contest
This contest will be presented when the “Play and learn” material for the first courses is finished and once the support agreements established and collaboration from people in the media is available.
Professorship of chess
Collaboration is under way with two catalan universities, in order to create a shared professorship of chess.
Work is also under way to produce a UNESCO professorship, with the purpose to work cooperatively with the rest of universities worlwide, through the use of UNESCO’s UNITWIN program.
Chess, Intangible Heritage of Humanity
The EDUCACHESS project, in conjunction with other initiatives, is working towards and hopes to obtain this recognition from UNESCO.
Apart from the generalized introduction of chess in schools, it would be positive and beneficial to collect individual, institutional and associative funds, etc., that will go towards promoting the game of chess further.
For this reason, support campaigns will be put into action through social websites.